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Documentary: Location Mixer/Recordist 

THE NEW CORPORATION Feature length documentary—sequel to the award-winning The Corporation by Joel Bakan. (18 days Dec 2016 - Jan 2020)


BRITISH COLUMBIA—A HISTORY A landmark four-hour historical documentary series about the people, forces and events that shaped the province of British Columbia. A Knowledge Network series developed and produced by Screen Siren Pictures. (12 days 2019)


CITIZEN BIO a feature-length documentary that profiles the Biohacker subculture. For Showtime, directed by Trish Dolman, produced by Graeme Manson and Mackenzie Donaldson. (Orphan Black, Snowpiercer)  (67 days Apr 2018 - May 2019)


GOLD RUSH—THE DIRT Behind the scenes documentary of the popular Gold Rush reality series produced by Discovery Channel USA. (13 days 2019)


PARAMEDICS: LIFE ON THE LINE Doc series by Lark Productions. (19 days 2018)


PUNK Interviews with America's punk pioneers and the U.K.'s most notorious bands, Produced by Network Entertainment, Executive Producer, Iggy Pop. (37 days Oct - Dec 2018) 


THE AGE OF A.I. 8 part documentary series hosted by Robert Downey Jr. covering the ways Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural Networks will change the world.  (16 days 2018)


THE WHALE AND THE RAVEN Feature length documentary about conflict of whales and commercial interests in BC's north islands. .  "...sublime cinematography...and rich sound design that underscores nature’s symphonic qualities"—National Film Board of Canada production by Director Mirjam Leuze. (35 days 2017)


INVENTING TOMORROW teenage innovators creating cutting-edge solutions to confront the world's environmental threats. Directed by Laura Nix (8 days 2017)


THE FINAL YEAR Feature length doc following the foreign diplomatic efforts of  President Obama, Secretary Kerry and UN Ambassador Samantha Power in the final quarter of the presidency. Passion Pictures for HBO. Director Greg Barker.  (65 days Nov 2015- Jan 2017)

THE ROAD FORWARD Adapted Stage Play- Aboriginal musical doc drama for the National Film Board of Canada. Sound mixer and playback. ( 10 days Feb 13-25, 2016)


THE NATURE OF THINGS : CRACKING CANCER  A documentary about the Personalized OncoGenomics Program and it's impact on the future of cancer care. (10 days Dec 2015 - Apr 2016)


THE WINE GUYS : GRAPE ESCAPES Doc series by Les Bland Productions shot in Spain and Italy. (17 days, July – Aug 2015) 


COWBOY UP   Doc on young rodeo contestants competing to go to the largest rodeo in the world.  Cowboy Up Productions for CBC (9 days July 11-19 2015)


ART IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Episode in series on art in the 21st century.  Art 21 for PBS (4 days Sept 2015)


U2 INNOCENCE + EXPERIENCE DOCUMENTARY Feature length doc behind the scenes of the U2 Innocence and Experience tour.  For HBO—produced for U2's Paris show that was cancelled due the 2015 terrorist attacks and never released. Director: Davis Guggenheim  (30 days, April 15 to May 15 2015)


THE DEATH DEBATE Doc on the Supreme Court Win on physician assisted dying. Optic Nerve Independent/Telus 


THE BONEYARD WITH GEORGE ST. PIERRE Three-time Ultimate Fighting Champion decides to find out which dinosaur was the best fighter. Paperny Entertainment for History Channel (22 days March to Sept 2015)


AIR SHOW Following airshow performers on their annual summer show circuit. Great Pacific Media for Discovery Channel.  (82 days July 24, 2013 to Dec 15, 2014)


GAME OF HOMES Home Renovation Competition show. Great Pacific Media for W! Network.  (17 Days Sept 19 to Oct 18, 2014)


GONE SOUTH Feature comedy doc on how Canadians shaped Hollywood.  Designer Living/Less Bland Productions for Superchannel. (20 days Oct 15- Nov 12, 2013)


THE KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH 100 years after the Goldrush, the Klondike then and now.  Paperny Films for PBS/Rogers Bio Channel.  (7 days July 11 to 16, 2013)


THE DEVIL YOU KNOW Exploring the lives of career criminals through the eyes of their friends and family. Make Believe Media for OWN, Discovery ID and Corus.  (280 days April 2010 – Jun 28, 2013)


DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW?  Feature doc on the decisions around genetic testing for Huntington’s Disease. Predictive Films for Knowledge Network/TVO (July –Oct 2011)


PYROS Firework artists light up events and competitions around the world.  Omnifilm for Discovery.  (29 days, Sept 19- Nov 13, 2012)


RED BULL SUPERNATURAL Backcountry Snowboard Competition featuring Travis Rice. Brainfarm & Freeride Entertainment for  Red Bull and NBC Sports, (6 days Feb 1-6, 2012)


HOMEWRECKERS Host Kristi Hansen makes homeowners face their decaying abodes. Fusion Television for W! Network. (61 days Sept –Apr 2011)


BEYOND THE MEDALS 2010 Olympic broadcasting.  Associated Press (23 days Feb  6 –28,2010)


GLUTTON FOR PUNISHMENT Bob Blumer faces culinary challenges. Paperny Films For Food Network.  4 episodes (27 days Oct 2009 – Aug 8 2010)


THE FIRST MOVIE Feature Doc about the imagination of children in a village in Iraq. Shot on location, Goptuppa, Iraq. Dir Mark Cousins. Connect Films/Screen Siren Pictures. Channel 4 UK (Sep 6-29, 2009)


ECOPIRATE - THE STORY OF PAUL WATSON Screen Siren Pictures. Feature Length Doc on a radical conservationist.  Galapagos (23 days June 2-25,2004) Chile- International Whaling Conference June 20-29, 2008), Canada/US March – July (20 days 2009)


KEEPING IT REAL  10 Part Series on Non Invasive Anti-Aging Procedures.  Insight Film & TV for W! (70 days August- Jan 29, 2009)


THE WEEK THE WOMEN WENT A small town loses all its women for a week.  8 part Series by Paperny Films for CBC.  (12 days Sept 4-15, 2008)


MYSTERY BEAR OF THE ARCTIC One hour documentary on the Polar/Grizzly Hybrid for BBC and Nat Geographic. Shot on Banks Island, Yellowknife, Inuvik, NWT) Tigress Productions UK. (18 days March 9-26, 2008)


COMBAT SCHOOL 6 Part miniseries for Discovery Canada following a Canadian infantry Platoon from Basic Training to combat in Afghanistan. Paperny Films (30 days Feb 7- May 15, 2008)


INDIA REBORN - MANUFACTURING DREAMS Part 4 of a 4 Hour CBC miniseries. Shot in Delhi , Mumbai    Produced by CBC Doc unit (36 days Oct 9 to November 13, 2007)


SHOCKWAVE 2 hour feature documentary on tsunamis. Omni Films for CBC.(24 days June 9-July ,2007)


VANITY INSANITY The Quest for Beauty – whatever it takes. Season 1,2,3,4 . Insight Films for Global/ Discovery Health  USA     EFP Mixer to HDcam (174 days to date Apr 4, 2005 - 2007)


WILD AT HEART Taking City Slickers for Backcountry Adventures in BC Parks.  Knowledge Network Production EFP mixer to Digi-Beta Nominated for a Best Overall Sound Leo. (71 days Apr 30-Sept30, 2006)


RESERVATION SOLDIERS A one-hour documentary that takes a closer look at the complex relationship between the Canadian Forces and aboriginal youth. Screen Siren Pictures for CTV, APTN EFP Mixer to DVC-Pro (11 days  Jan 25, 2006 – 2007)


BREAKING RANKS American veterans of  the Iraq war desert to Canada.  Screen Siren Pictures for Global TV  EFP Mixer to DVC Pro50  (18 days  Feb 7 – Mar 4, 2006)


VERY BAD MEN Serial Con Artists.  Make Believe Media for Global TV  EFP mixer to HD cam. 


MAKE SOME NOISE  Young people doing humanitarian projects around the world.  Omni Films For CBC.  EFP mixer to DVC-PRO (20 days June 2-August 25, 2005) 


LOST SECRETS OF ANCIENT MEDICINE Documentary shot on location in Dharamsala India.  CTV/ NHK (Japan)copro   EFP mixer and Music Recordist to HDcam. (16 days Sept 21 – Oct7, 2004)


SOUVENIR OF CANADA Feature Length Doc on  writer Douglas Coupland’s current art project.   Media Headquarters.  EFP mixer to HD DVCPRO (2 days Apr 21, 22, 2004)


GIRL RACERS 4 part series for Global on female race car drivers. Screen Siren Pictures. EFP mixer to DVCam.  (44 Days Mar 24 – Aug 22, 2004)


LIGHT - MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE 2 hour pilot for Discovery.  Sunstroke Films.  Mixer to HD Camera. (39 days  Oct 18-Mar 19, 2003)


KINK III Season 3 for series in Showcase’s “TV without Borders”. Paperny Films. EFP mixer to DVcam.  (57 days June16 – Sept 16 2003)


NATURE OF THINGS Episode 1 2003 fall season. NFB-CBC co-production. EFP mixer to Digi-Beta, (5 days June 4-7, 2003)


ON THE LIGHTS NFB Doc on lighthouse keepers.  (1 day April30 , 2003)


DRAWING OUT THE DEMONS Documentary on the life of artist Attila Richard Lukacs.  Directed by David Vaisbord.  Screen Siren Pictures  EFP sound mixer to DVCam.  (10 days, Dec16, 2002, Jan7-22, Feb 5, 7,25, 2003)


DELICATE ART OF PARKING EPK for Feature Film.  Prod Kevin Eastwood.  Anagram Pictures. EFP Mixer to DVCam (3days, Nov 14, Dec 6, Mar4, 02/03)


CUTTING EDGE Doc on geneticist for Discovery on location, South Africa. Produced by Cal Schumiacher. Paperny Films. EFP Sound Mixer. (9 days, May 16–27, 2002)


FLOWER AND GARNET EPK for 35 mm Feature Film.  Prod Trish Dolman.  Screen Siren Pictures EFP sound mixing to DV. (12 days Nov – Dec 2001)


PRETTY BOYS Documentary on male models for CTV by Make Believe Media, produced by Lynn Booth. EFP sound mixing to DV. (15 days, Sept – Nov 2001)


SINGLES 13 episode series by Paperny Films for Life Network.  Reality doc  following 10 Single people through their lives.. Exec Prod. David Paperny.  EFP sound mixing to DV.(39 days, July 5 –Oct, 2001)


ADRENALIN JUNKIES Reality show on rescue volunteers. Shot in Moscow and Siberia.  Tamouz Media.  Prod Ilan Ziv. Was subject  of doc and did sound. (10 days, April 25-May 4,2001)


BRITTANIA BEACH Documentary for CTV,TVO and NFB, about a Twin Peaks-like ex-mining town torn between developers, toxic waste, and a history of disaster.  Directed by David Vaisbord, Produced by Screen Siren Pictures.  EFP mixing to DV Cam and sound FX  recording.  (16 days, April 11-29,2000)


ICE GIRLS Documentary for CTV and BBC follows 4 girls on their way to the World Figure Skating Championships.  Shot North Am, Germany, Bulgaria, and UK.  Prod / Dir. Trish Dolman. Exec Prod Brian Hamilton. Mixing to DV Cam. Screen Siren Pictures/Omni Films (30 days from Mar 2000-Mar 2001) 




Dramatic Productions: Location Sound Mixer 


MOUNTAIN MEN Independent Feature Film. Dir. Cameron Labine. Key Sound Mixer (19 Days April 2 to May 2 2014)


NIGHTWATCHING Independent Feature Film Dir. Peter Greenaway  Kasander Films.  Sound Mixer (6 Days March 2-8, 2007)


THE SCORE Musical feature for CBC “First Night” Screen Siren Pictures /Electric Company.  Key Sound Mixer and Playback Engineer. (25 days Nov 2-Dec 7,2004


MAYDAY Docudrama about airline disasters. Cineflix/Stone City copro for Discovery/Channel 4 UK. Key Sound Mixer.  (4 days Oct 16-19, 2002)


LITTLE BROTHER OF WAR 35 mm Independent Feature film. Jupiter Films./Little Bro Productions. Prod/Dir Damon Vignale.. Key sound mixer. (25 days,Sept 2 – Oct 2, 2002)


THE SPACE BETWEEN 35 mm Short film with Hilary Swank  Dir Chad Lowe. Prod Leah Mallen. Short Life Productions. Key Sound mixer. (2 days, Mar 4/5,2002)


LONESOME JOE 35 mm short film  Dir Mark Sawers Prod Leah Mallen. Short Life Productions  Key Sound mixer. (4 days, Oct 26-29,2001)


THE OVERCOAT TV version of Morris Panych's stage production for the CBC. 8 Gemini nominations. Exec  Prod. Lael McCall and Richard Craven. 620718 BC (prod. co) Key sound mixer and playback engineer (17 days, July 15 –Aug 9 2001)


THE UNPROFESSIONALS  13 episode series for The Comedy Network.   3 Witches Productions.  Key sound mixer. (68 days, Sept 8 –Dec 11, 2000)


THE ORKNEY LAD Docu-drama for CTV, Telefilm , APTN, and WTN, investigates the story of Isabel Gunn, who in the early 1800’s disguised herself as a man to join the Hudson Bay Company.  Shot on location  in Orkney (UK), Winnipeg, and James Bay.  Dir. Anne Wheeler  and Penny Wheelwright. Wheelwright Inc. Key sound mixer, and studio recording of music and voiceover. (25 days, June 22 July 19,2000)


LIBERATO Surreal skating short for Bravo, shot in Marseilles, nominated for a 2000 Leo.  Dir. Kevin Cottam. King Arthur Productions. Did multitrack sync sound recording, sound design, oversaw sound editing. (9 days shoot, Apr 22 – May 1,1999 / 5 days edit July 5-10,1999)



Other Film Departments


AGENT CODY BANKS 35 mm Feature Film. Cub Six Productions.  2nd Unit.  Mountain Rigging Grip. (4 days, June 23-27, 2002)


FLOWER AND GARNET 35 mm Feature Film  Ministry of Extreme Circumstance Films. Sound FX editor.  (14 days, 2001)




Other Sound Experience


Post Production Credits for Sound Editing, Sound Design and Music Composition.


Studio and Live Music Album Production and Engineering.


Live music (Front of house) engineer for the Vancouver Folk Festival and Jazz Festival. 





Bachelors Degree in English Literature – Fine Arts Minor in Electroacoustic  music and sound composition. Simon Fraser University/McGill University, 1987 - 1993




Miscellaneous Good Bits



         -Sound Devices 633 portable 6 channel recorder with timecode.
         -Sound Devices Mixpre 10T, 
         -Sound Devices 744t portable 4 channel Audio recorder with timecode.
         -Boom mics  Schoeps 641, Sanken CS3e, Sennheiser MKH 50, MKH 416 and MKH 816. 
         -Mid/side stereo mic rig with Sennheiser MKH 30 and 50
         -2 Zaxcom encrypted wirelesses with onboard recording.
         -6 Lectrosonics 411a Wireless Receivers

         -3 regular wireless Transmitters w/ Sanken Cos 11 Lavalier mics. 
         -3 waterproof wireless Transmitters with Sanken COS 11 or Countryman EMW mics.
         -2 Channel Lectronics SRa wireless Camera Link.  Fits in all slot loading cameras or can be   
          attached externally to non professional or Cine cameras.
         -5 Comteks for director/producer audio feed   
         -Sound truck is an offroad capable 4X4.


Certified Search and Rescue Instructor,  Rescue Manager,  Wilderness First Aid 40 hr ticket w/ CPR.  
         Personal gear for outdoor shoots in difficult or dangerous conditions.
         Extensive training and experience in backcountry mountain travel, and all marine environments 


Excellent health and fitness level.

Please request up to date references.


Documentary sound recordist and mixer based in Vancouver, Canada with 28 years of experience in local and international productions.

© 2020 Brent Calkin                                                                                                                                           

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